OL20 Trollhättan XR Citizen Orientation
Navigating and getting familiar with public buildings can be challenging and can prevent citizens from engaging in the democratic governing of the city or making use of services provided. Initially identified areas to investigate include navigating the corridors of the Trollhättan City Hall and/or introducing the city library and how public book lending works. This […]
OL19 Ice-charting using AI
Sea ice concentration is an important metric used to characterize polar sea ice behavior.Understanding this behavior and accurately representing it is of critical importance for climate science research, and also has important uses in the context of maritime navigation.
OL18 SAR ATR using Deep Learning
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image based automatic target recognition (ATR) is a major challenge in radar signal processing.
OL17 Drone detection and classification from radar data
Drones are becoming a major threat for both civilian (because of privacy issues) and industrial/defence facilities. Radar is a useful sensor to detect drones because of their day-night and all-weather functionalities.
OL16 Heart going Chaotic: Fractal model based ML to classify arrhythmia from ECG dataset
Fractals are beautiful! But they show the beauty of something that is chaotic! Something else that is chaotic and impressive is human-heart. There has been a lot of work suggesting that the human heart motion is chaotic and fractals maybe a good processing tool to model them.
OL15 Eye in the Sky: Processing chain to extract SAR and Multi-spectral data from Copernicus hub
ESA releases the data from most of its satellites using the Copernicus Hub. Environment monitoring is an emerging use of remote-sensed data. Two of the most popular sources of data are satellites Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2.
OL14 Machine learning on non-uniformly sampled data
Human brain is an amazing organ and one of the greatest computers! There is a lot to be learnt from the way brain handles signal. Most of our sensory signal is preprocessed by an organ called hypothalamus. One of the preprocessing that it applies on signal is scaling it into a log-scale. So that, signal […]
OL13 IR Image based temperature monitoring in realtime
Starting from a better estimation of the temperature of an animal, IR images have been shown to be good to recognise some diseases in living beings. But it will involve a lot of image-processing to start with. For example, look at the attached image. Even if the goal is just to find the temperature, given […]
OL11 Re-design of inspection apps and usability for maintenance work
In automated production processes, unplanned stops occur caused by tool failures, material defects, unmanaged program situations, or human handling. The restart process in case of unplanned stops does not have a universal solution and it consists of several phases that are complex. It is about both daily and preventive maintenance that must be handled by […]
OL09 Exploring the potential of High-End Mixed Reality for learning about Welding in VR
The WELD-VR research project aims to develop teaching for welding and metallurgy in VR, to be used in the related teaching at University West. A single player VR application has been developed in Unreal Engine, and will be continually refined throughout 2022 until summer 2023.